Main Organizations Involved: National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC), and the Lumina Foundation.
Outlines a set of reference points for what students should know and be able to do upon completion of associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in any field of study.
Clearly defines what post-secondary degrees should mean in terms of specific learning outcomes and is student-centered and focuses on qualitative learning outcomes.
Addresses emerging issues challenging higher education and responds to the rapidly changing U.S. economic needs and the global community
Prepares pathways for documentation of student learning in easy terms.
Provides strategic choices in degree level awareness outcomes overcoming the complexity of curricula by guiding students on the structure and cumulative force of their learning.
Facilitates opportunities for faculty to collaborate across disciplines to achieve expected proficiencies in all of a student's studies.
Accommodates a variety of providers and delivery methods applicable to learning assessed outside the framework of courses similarly to traditional, course-based degree programs.
Special Knowledge - describes concepts, knowledge areas, methods and accomplishments that are basic to particular fields of study.
Broad & Integrative knowledge - develops and consolidates broad knowledge across multiple areas of learning and discovers and explores concepts and questions bridging multiple fields of study.
Intellectual Skills - proficiencies basic to evidence- based reasoning across fields of study, including: analytic inquiry and operations, use of information resources, engaging diverse perspectives, ethical reasoning, quantitative fluency and communicative fluency.
Applied & Collaborative Learning - focuses on what students can do with what they know, demonstrated by innovation and fluency in addressing both conventional and unscripted problems in the classroom by integrating and applying their learning within complex projects and assignments, including collaborative efforts, that may include research, projects, practicums, internships, work assignments, performances, and creative tasks, beyond the classroom and at work.
Civic & Global Learning - fosters integration of knowledge and skills through applications and experiences preparing for citizenship by demonstrating their ability to integrate both forms of learning in analyzing and addressing significant public problems and questions, both in civic and global contexts.